

请查看附件 365bet课程开发和修改审批概述 了解更多关于每个提案的审批流程.

的 following sections provides and overview of the various roles that are involved in academic program development and their respective responsibilities.

角色       责任

365bet董事会 reviews and approves university admission, progression and graduation requirements; changes or additions of a program degree designation; establishment of or termination of degree (major) and certificate programs; conversion of existing concentrations to a stand-alone major; consolidating two or more programs; establishing new academic units that award credit; and significant reorganizations 授予学分的学术单位.

大学 迪安 


的 迪安  of each college is responsible for reviewing and granting consent to all 新的学术课程和修改建议.

  • Review and 给 consent to department faculty to progress with proposal paperwork
  • Review and provide feedback on all proposals submitted in Curriculog.
  • 确认已填妥所有所需的建议书表格(i.e.,封面页,大学 课程委员会等.)
  • Ensure program proposals are included on the college's curriculum committee meeting 审查和批准议程.

的 研究生院 also develops advanced programs and services addressing national needs and provides a mechanism for collaborative opportunities in research, 创造性和学术性活动. 提交给大学课程之前 委员会, Graduate Studies reviews and approves all modifications to existing graduate 计划和拟议的新的学术研究生课程.

部门 主席和教员


Each department is responsible for managing the full proposal process and implementation of all academic programs and modifications within their jurisdiction.

  • Generate ideas for new academic programs, modifications to programs, etc. 
  • Ensure approval is granted from the 大学’s 迪安 and Associate 迪安 prior to inputing 建议被纳入课程.
  • Prepare all required documentation for THEC, SACSCOC and 365bet University Curriculum 委员会 (通知函, 新学术课程 Proposal)
  • Initiate conversations with the 教务处 regarding idea(s), draft 文件等.
  • Ensure all documents go through the proper review process as detailed in this manual.
  • Establish advisory board(s) of internal and community stakeholders to guide and support 程序开发,如果适当和/或必要.

的 研究生学术委员会 is the principal body for the establishment of policies and procedures relative to research and to administration of graduate programs. 的 purpose of the 研究生学术委员会 is to provide for effective participation and deliberation by those concerned with graduate programs, research, and creative 活动. 的 Council’s actions become recommendations to the University Curriculum 委员会.


的 office of Academic Affairs collaborates with each department proposing any program modifications, creation or delegation and serves as the liaison between the department 以及田纳西州高等教育委员会. 具体来说,由教务处负责 以下内容:

  • Assist the department with determining the appropriate forms and process required 推进这个想法.
  • 审核所有文件并提供反馈和建议.
  • Serve as the liaison between the department and Tennessee Higher Education Counsel (THEC).
  • Answer any questions the department may have regarding the proposal process.
  • Monitor and track the progress on all department proposals and implementation and 向365bet领导报告情况.
  • 确定一个项目是否需要SACSCOC的批准.

Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学s


SACSCOC is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education 南部各州的机构. 在程序开发的背景下,365bet是 必须准备并向SACSCOC提交以下内容:

  • A prospectus if a proposed program is significantly different than anything the institution 提供.
  • A level change application if the institution is seeking to offer coursework at a 比目前提供的水平更高.

的 教务处 will determine if a program will require the submission 招股说明书,并经SACSCOC批准.


的 教师教育委员会 reviews and approves all courses and programs in the 大学 of Education as well as other proposal with an educational concentration. 的 council is appointed by the 迪安 of Education and includes representatives from faculty engaged in the preparation of teachers, P-12 school representatives, and candidates.  的 Council’s actions become recommendations to the 大学课程委员会 或者研究生学术委员会.




THEC assumes authority for the review and final approval for new programs and modifications. 根据THEC政策A1.c负责确保所有的项目都是正确的 high academic quality, maximize cost effectiveness and efficiency and that the benefits to the state outweigh the costs, fulfill student and community demand, avoid and eliminate unnecessary duplication and encourage cooperation and collaboration among all institutions 在该地区.





的 大学课程委员会 receives and studies proposed changes in curriculums and new programs and makes final recommendations to the President of the University.

NOTE: Prior to 大学课程委员会 review, all proposal documents must be reviewed and approved by the department and college curriculum committees, and if applicable, the 教师教育委员会 and/或者研究生学术委员会.

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