
克拉克斯维尔-蒙哥马利县的健康庭院 Program

We all rely on pollinating insects for the production of healthy fruits and vegetables and for healthy ecosystems that protect and benefit us in many ways. 健康的码 aims to help residents provide a habitat for native pollinators. 少了一码 lawn and more native plants can reduce the need for chemicals and watering and provide 为儿童和宠物提供更健康的环境. 健康庭院是市政府的一个项目 克拉的 可持续发展委员会 and Montgomery County government with assistance from the 365bet 野外生物学卓越中心.

When you register your yard, you will receive an attractive and durable sign for your 码:
健康的码 - We grow native plants for pollinators




观看我们即将举行的活动 脸谱网.

本机花园 & 生境俱乐部会议

2024年6月19日,星期三下午6时,扶轮公园 韦德伯恩自然中心 (WBNC)

下午6:00在WBNC外进行实践活动. Practice preparing native seeds for stratification 把你的种子带回家,待会再种.

6:30 pm Club meeting in the meeting room, 2nd floor of WBNC. 从后面进入 大楼2楼甲板. 免费的. 没有登记. 家庭欢迎.


Tour of the Native Meadow at Morgan University Center

June 20, 2024, 10:00 am, Thursday, 365bet Campus (Map)

See the blooms, butterflies and bees of the native meadow outside Morgan University 365bet中心. The meadow is located on the downhill side of MUC. 你可以在 任何未经许可的夏季停车场. 除非 你有许可证. 免费的. 没有登记. 家庭欢迎.


Sponsored by 克拉克斯维尔-蒙哥马利县的健康庭院

365bet: ClarksvilleTNHealthyYards@gmail.com 




  1. Commit to planting and maintaining three or more native plants that are host plants for caterpillars or nectar sources for pollinators like native bees and butterflies. 
    • Choose plants that are native to our region, the southeastern U.S.我还没有 treated with pesticides, and are not decorative cultivars.
    • Learn more below in the section about selecting and sourcing plants.
  2. Commit to avoiding the use of pesticides or herbicides. 
    • Chemicals can kill pollinators and the plants they rely on. 它们可能对……有害 儿童与宠物. 
  3. 网上登记- 在这里注册你的院子.
    • You will receive an email when your yard sign is ready for pickup at the local United 办公室的方式.
  4. Proudly display your "健康的码" sign to show your neighbors you are making a 区别.
  5. Participate in 健康的码 activities year-round.




  1. 大多数传粉植物在充足的阳光下生长. 找一个有6-8小时日照的地方 每天. However, the late afternoon sun (when it is most hot) can be stressful on 一些需要更多水分的植物.
  2. Group several plants of the same species for attractiveness, easier weeding and control of spread (if you choose to do so), and efficiency for pollinator feeding.
  3. Consider proximity to a water source, especially if you start from seed. 植物会 need to be watered until they are established in the first few months, and small seedlings 需要更频繁地浇水.



  1. 每个人都有适合自己的园艺风格. 计划和执行一个 design, maintain specific plants only where intended, and exercise your managerial style. But it can also be very effective to try lots of plants, whatever you happen across, see what thrives, and let nature drive the process. 你喜欢勤务兵吗 garden design or prefer the look of a natural mixed-species meadow? 这是你的选择.
  2. 本地的? For the benefit of pollinators and local ecosystems, the best choice 是最本地的. If you can get plants that are Tennessee natives, great! 多数情况下, 你最好的选择是美国.S. 东南地区土著.
  1. 你会买植物还是种子?
  1. 选择植物时要考虑这些因素
    1. 一年生或多年生
    2. 高度
    3. 太阳的需求
    4. Soil moisture and watering needs (dry, moist, wet)
    5. 你对鹿有抵抗力吗(不好吃)?
  2. Choose multiple species that will 给 you pollinator food and attractive blooms throughout 生长季节. Pick plants that bloom in spring, others that bloom in summer 还有一些是秋季的.
  3. 考虑成熟植株的高度和日照. 把小一点的植物放在前面,这样它们 不会被更高的植物遮蔽吗. 在间隔种植时,要考虑到最终的成熟 植物的大小. 它可能需要2-4年才能成熟.
  4. 考虑土壤湿度. Select plants that prefer a dry, moist or wet environment -任何最适合你的位置.
  5. 设备利用率. Don’t fall in love with a plant until you find out if it is available from a reputable source or a native gardener friend.



  • GroWild ——田纳西州美景镇 
    • 只接受预约销售
  • 圆石土种 
    • Native seed, order online; located in Kentucky
  • 本地野花苗圃
    • Order online and ship to your home; McMinnville, Tennessee
  • 草原月亮苗圃
    • Order online, ship to your home; Winona, Minnesota
  • 忙碌的蜜蜂苗圃和咨询
    • Plants sold at events in Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Glasgow, Kentucky. 没有航运.
  • Shannon Trimboli的托儿所 ——肯塔基州
  • Izel原生植物 
    • Order online, ship to your home; a consolidation of wholesale suppliers
  • 查找田纳西州,找到这里的原生植物
  • 每年365bet本地植物销售
    • Online ordering in April, pickup on campus last weekend of April
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