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Voluntary Consent

Federal regulations require the voluntary consent of a financial aid recipient to the use of an electronic record. The consent must be obtained prior to electronically communicating financial aid information to a recipient. Our institution considers a financial aid recipient to be an enrolled student receiving federal student aid. A student is considered enrolled at the point of registration confirmation.

The Office of Student Financial Aid may need to provide you with certain communications, notices, agreements, billing statements, or disclosures in writing. Your agreement to this E-sign consent confirms your ability and consent to receive communications electronically from Austin Peay State University, rather than in paper form, and to the use of electronic signatures. If you choose not to agree to this consent or you withdraw your consent, you may be restricted from using electronic options and cannot accept your financial aid online.

In order to voluntarily provide consent:

  1. Log in to AP OneStop.
  2. Select Web Self Service.
  3. Select the Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs tab.
  4. Select Award.
  5. Select Award for Aid Year.
  6. Select the appropriate aid year, and then click the submit button.
  7. Select the Terms and Conditions tab.
  8. Review the terms of voluntary consent. If you agree, select the box indicating, “I consent to the terms of electronic communications.”
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