

每年1月1日至31日 & 7月1日至31日

The 病假银行 serves to provide participating 阿卜苏 employees additional leave when all other leave options have been exhausted in the event of serious or catastrophic 员工患病或直接患病 定义的家庭成员 5:020休假政策 第三节. 探亲假和病假(一.e. 子女、配偶或父母). 病假 Bank is administered by Trustees appointed by the university President.  

An employee is eligible to become a member of the bank as soon as they accrue enough 初步评估的时间.  全职员工必须有22个.5小时(24小时) – if you are an 8 – hour a day employee) and Part-time employees are assessed a corresponding 按比例分配的小时数.  符合条件的员工可以在指定的开放期间报名 每年1月或7月入学.

The employee 必须 complete enrollment forms during the enrollment period for approval 由人力资源办公室负责. 表格可于人力资源网页(连结)下载 下图).               


To be eligible to receive sick leave bank hours, an employee 必须 have been a bank 会员资格自登记之日起30个日历日有效. 

The maximum number of 病假银行 hours that may be awarded per application to 个体是150 (7).每天50小时× 20天,兼职按比例计算). 后续 grants of leave require additional request submissions and cannot exceed 450 hours (7.50 hour day x 60 days) in any fiscal year, or 675 hours (90 days x 7.50) for any 一种疾病,或反复诊断的疾病,或事故. 截至2014年1月1日,a new guideline has been added for a total maximum lifetime withdrawal a member can 提出330天的申请(7.5小时员工是他们要求的最长工作时间 即他们的工作时间为2475小时).   

To request Sick Leave from the bank, an eligible member 必须 complete the appropriate 病假银行 Request Form for review and approval by the 病假银行 Trustees.  Should sick leave be denied, the bank member may be eligible to receive donations 从其他雇员那里获得的 阿卜苏政策5:020.

Note:  Medical documentation from a medical provider 必须 be provided to prove the 需要离开工作的时间.  病假申请单和随附的医疗单据 文件将由患病银行受托人审查.

会员的一个鲜为人知的好处是休假捐赠.  作为病态的一员 Leave Bank, you may also qualify for donation of sick leave from other employees of 阿卜苏.  为了获得捐赠假,你 必须 成为病假银行的一员. 员工捐赠病假则不需要 成为病假银行成员. 阅读更多关于给予和/或接受的标准 捐赠休假请参考 阿卜苏政策5:020 第十二节. 员工之间病假的转移.

If at any time the number of sick leave bank hours falls below the minimum requirement of one day per member, the bank trustees reserve the right to reassess the membership an amount appropriate to replenish the bank balance, but not to exceed (3) days per member for any single assessment (pro-rated for part-time). 成立至今 of the Sick Banks in the early 90’s reassessment has only occurred twice.

ORP retirement participants, upon their retirement, may donate their sick leave balance 到病假银行. However, TCRS participants’ Sick Leave balance has a retirement 作为服务积分计算的值. 重要的是要努力保存它们 如果你参加了TCRS计划,那就需要几个小时.


I’m MORE than happy to tell anyone about how awesome the sick leave bank is  and how, in an instant, you can go from being able to work to being laid up for WEEKS!!! 

正如你所知,我最近在手术中使用了它.  虽然我很幸运地“安排”了 my surgery during a less busy time as far as work load goes it was still a surgery that I HAD to have and couldn’t be put off for long… but several years ago,on a beautiful, sunny, spring, Sunday morning 我是 going horseback riding and had an accident with my horse and ended up breaking both bones in my right leg/ankle. 我被带到 ER at the hospital and to surgery straight from the ER and was out for 8 weeks!!!  I went from a wheel chair, to a walker, to crutches to a cane and walking boot and I don’t know what I would have done with 8 weeks of no pay!!!  我压力太大了 on me at that time without having to worry about how 我是 going to pay bills too..

I tell EVERYONE I have the opportunity to tell that if they aren’t in the sick leave bank they need to be… To me it’s as critical, if not more so than my, 401K, medical insurance, life insurance, car insurance etc…  I consider it a form of “insurance” that I don’t have a monthly premium on… but just like insurance… you may not need it every day but the day you do need it, nothing will take its place!!"

"I am a fairly healthy late thirties woman who worked out daily and ate right. 大多数 would think that there would be nothing to worry about as far as health wise. 我是 in the middle of training for a half marathon when my heart started skipping beats. After many doctor’s appointments they had to remove my thyroid. 两个月后 I had a 7 pound mass that had to be removed that literally appeared in the matter 一个月. 我是 out of work for a good 8 weeks between all the Doctor appointments 和手术. I would tell anyone, no matter how in shape you think you are you never 知道会发生什么. I have 3 children and my husband owns his own business so I 为家庭承担所有的保险. 如果没有这家病态银行,我们可能 结果情况很糟糕. 在范德比尔特住了几次之后旅行的费用, copays, and food for my husband while he stayed with me, there is no way we would 我做到了. So please do not think that you take care of yourself and nothing will happen to you, it only takes one streak of bad luck to change your financial status 在很短的时间内. 我听到很多人说,我就是无法放弃那些日子, 相信我,去做吧. It will pay off in the long run and hey if you are a lucky one and 永远不用用到它,至少它还在那里以防万一.”

“I joined the sick leave bank five years ago for no other reason than “it’s better 要安全,不要后悔。”.  现在我很感激我这么做了.  我心脏病发作后, I had    complications that keep me from returning to work immediately and naturally, I did  not have enough sick leave or personal leave to cover the absence.  这是 当病假银行来救我的时候! 我不仅得到了正常的工资 and benefits during my absence but also the staff was always available and made the 文书提交是一个简单的过程.  我所要做的就是提交我的休假申请 医生提交了他的报告.  我很感激病假银行是 而且我有机会加入."

“我发现病假银行是我的救命稻草. 我正在接受化疗 after having 2 surgeries and had I not had the sick leave bank I would have been destitute. It gave me peace of mind to know that my finances did not hang in the balance because 我的病. 我向大家推荐它."




Please fill out the information below to inquire if you are currently in the sick bank.

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